Writing Articles And Submitting Them To Search Engines
In the last chapter we discussed the purpose of your blog, Like I said if it’s to earn loads of money then you could be in for the long haul. Either way I’m going to show you some simple ways of creating Traffic to your tiny Island.
Just to make clear from the beginning I AM NOT affiliated to any of the links in this Article, I will not make 1 single penny from the referrals, the links are purely to help you along your way to getting your Blog recognized……
Onward we shall go.
Some Guru’s, the ones who tell you “you don’t even need a website or Blog to create income from their proven system” are quite often right, however this invariably leaves you needing to advertize or possibly start an e-mail campaign….
These so called Guru’s show you the massive proof of earnings on their squeeze pages, gets you excited doesn’t it, first of all this is how much they’ve earned…..
No, No and No again, this is how much they’ve taken, how much have they spent in advertising, so what’s their real profit?
On order for them to gain, or stay top ranked, they need to work consistently, pay someone else to do it, or advertise.
The same applies to YOU, professional article writers are well paid.
Advertising can be cheap but you need a lot of it, 3 dollars a month here and 5 dollars a month there can soon add up to several hundred dollars a month. What do you get for your 3 or 5 dollars, very little, 35 to 50 dollars per ad maybe will get you a bit more.
So possibly you think about taking their advice of “starting an e-mail campaign”;
You Simple attach a signature to your outgoing e-mails so everyone who gets your e-mail has a direct link to your squeeze page, your affiliate link they have provided you with in the package you bought.
Great !!!, NO, NO and NO again….
Take a look in your e-mail address book, is there anyone in there you don’t know, these people are your FRIENDS, family, work colleagues, possibly even your bank manager.
How embarrassing would that be?
Do you REALLY want to ram your squeeze page down their throats???
If your just creating a Blog to have your own personal space, share your thoughts, holiday or Wedding snaps then join Face book or the like, why do you need a blog.
So let’s start to be honest…..
You have other reasons,
Mine are,
To help others, Primary objective.
To try to make a few, and when I say a few I mean a few extra bucks in the bargain.
Meet and make new Friends.
For example my motives in this blog are to bring you to the realization that Blogging for money can be very time consuming, so let’s take it easy, have some fun, enjoy what we do and gain by the experience.
Whatever your motives are is irrelevant to me, all I know is you need to create visitors to your Island, nourish them and invite them back for another visit.
So, here we Go.
Do your research on your chosen topic, no matter how much you think you know there’s always more to learn.
Write well, just because you maybe an expert in your field doesn’t mean others are… make things simple to understand.
Use short introductory paragraphs to gain the reader’s attention.
USE Keywords but be warned use the key words sparingly, let people and the search engines know what your article is about but don’t over or under do it, for example if you don’t use your key words enough, search engines won’t pick up on them, that’s fine for your readers because they won’t be getting bored reading the same thing over and over again, if you overdo it search engines may view your article as Spam and probably put you in their “sand box” where you could remain for a long time, not only will the search engines regard your article as Spam but probably so will your readers….visit http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/it might help, sign up for their 7 day free trial. Indecently I AM NOT AFFILLIATED TO ANY OF THE LINKS IN THIS ARTICLE, I DON’T MAKE 1 SINGLE PENNY FOR REFFERALS.
Use correct spelling and Grammar, difficult for me because I’m Dyslexic, If it wasn’t for spell check you surely wouldn’t be reading this 🙂
Try to be informative, interesting, funny, unique….
Try to install the want or need for your visitors to come back, make your Island a nice place to visit, encourage them to want to leave comments or even become a follower, the more people find your Island Interesting the more people will add it to their favorites or bookmark list.
In my first article How to create a blog I explained how to add a post or an article to your Blog, so now you’ve written something, it’s time to post it, follow the instructions in that article, view your blog or preview how It’s going to look and click on ” publish”.
That’s it you’ve done it….
Now its time to submit your Blog to Google, one of, if not the leading search engine, go to http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl or click this link.
Copy your URL and paste it in the URL box, next, give a brief description of the content of your blog or article, ie. In Heartcare4life I used the title of my first post, Prevention is better than cure, Google will pick up on the rest.
Type in the squiggly confirmation text into the box below and click on the little box “ADD URL”
Don’t expect miracles, the Google bot will now do its work and put your site where it thinks it belongs. Depending on your URL, content, keywords, and competition on the same subject will depend your position in Google listings, But at least you’ve made a start.
Next go to http://www.acomputerportal.com/Simple_Submit_130_Engines/SmE_Fast_Submit.php add your URL and this time your e-mail in the box provided, click on the “check all” link below the “submit my site” box, this will highlight and tick all the search engine boxes, click on “submit my site” and wait until it’s finished it’s work.
You have now completed the first simple step, still a very long way to go, but you’ve made a start.
That’s it for today, my one finger typing digit is tired, hopefully I’ll see you for the next step.
Like I said Take it easy, have fun and enjoy the ride.
Hi my name is Mike, My primary objective is to try to persuade people to look after their most valuable asset, THEIR HEALTH. Hence my passion is my first blog http://heartcare4life.blogspot.com/ my second objective is to help people create blogs using understandable simple terms.
Article from articlesbase.com
megatechguy.com Google www.google.com MSN: search.live.com This is a video showing you how to add a site to google search engine. And also the MSN Search engine.
Video Rating: 4 / 5