Increase Targeted Web Site Traffic
There is a variety of effective means to drive traffic to your web site in this article we will focus on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which is the process of customising your web site in search engine terms that will gain the site high rankings thus ensuring recognition from web searches, and that ultimate accolade, Page 1 ranking.
Whatever you read elsewhere be assured SEO is not an overnight fix to increase your traffic, ignore the ridiculous claims that 1,000 people will rush to your site with just a few clicks. The reality is that search engines work in their time not ours and patience is required to allow the search engines to put your site into the database, and once there patience is required when the search engines appear to downgrade your previous high ranking.
Why does this happen? In a word algorithms, these are programs that engines use to determine which sites appear when queries are entered and some engines change theirs weekly. Accept this and concentrate on developing good SEO practice.
Content is King. If I had a pound, dollar or euro for every time I had heard or read that I would be very rich, but do you know this short statement is a little gold nugget, always has been and I truly believe always will.
In later articles we discuss Meta Tags, Headings and Descriptions but this article will concentrate on the issue of content. The single most important lesson you could ever learn about SEO is that your content ranks above all else. Search engines will index your web site based on CONTENT they all do and there are no exceptions.
Content is the key to developing an Internet presence, build a good reputation with high-quality content and other webmasters will want to link to your site. Make sure your content is focused around your theme and at all times keep in mind that your aim is to Increase Targeted Web Site Traffic. Content must be fresh and relevant so continually add to your site content that is focused on your niche. Becoming a provider of highly focused and quality information about your niche will certainly attract attention to your site.
How do we present this content, consider a few points.
Be clear and precise with your presentation using two or three sentences for each paragraph, people will not read large chunks of text.
Separate disparate ideas with headlines, your reader will be prepared for what to expect and will encourage them to continue.
If you have a specific item you want to bring to the reader’s attention use Bold it will ensure they do not overlook one of your key factors.
You will lose visitors at the speed of light if you page is boring, unclear or difficult to read. Never patronise but explain things in the simplest of terms.
Make your page interesting and exiting, initially with some intrigue offering the carrot of greater things to come.
Start with your most important fact or piece of information and make it compelling if you want them to stay.
Do not use gimmicks be natural talk to your target person as you would on the telephone. Make it personal and address them as “you”.
Lists are a great way to capture your main points in a simple and clear format and maintains the interest of those readers who habitually just scan articles, web pages and the like.
Regularly update your content.
Remember, people have short attention spans, there are millions of web pages out there in cyber space and you are competing with them. Your challenge is to pull in the readers, and keep them.
Remember this is just one method of how to increase targeted web site traffic but you must befriend the search engines. They can sometimes be quirky and a bit difficult, but so can our best friends, stick with them you need them.
Finally you must analyse your traffic, from where did they come, are they signing up, are they buying, how long is their visit to the site, this is the lifeblood of your business get to know all about it. Sign up to Google Analytics it is free, simple to use and an essential tool; please be sure to add it to your armoury.
My best wishes for your success.
About the Author
Russ Turner publishes the brilliant newsletter The Online Marketing Bulletin. This publication is packed full of articles, video tutorials, interesting and challenging comments and some days just something to make you smile. It is free and will always be so plus you receive a free report on Affiliate Marketing just for registering. To get regular advice on internet and affiliate marketing please and further information on how to increase targeted web site traffic please click here
Russ also hosts his blog Pathway to Cyber Wealth where you can comment on articles and join in discussions, to visit the blog click Here
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Question by Elene Pidgeon: Submitting site in directories-regular or reciprocal links?
Submitting my site in free web directories. Most of the sites are giving me two options:
1.Regular links (no follow-it is written in many sites)
2.Reciprocal links
These are options for the free web directory sites to submit your site.
Note: These are high PR sites.
I do not want to increase my PR, my target is to increase my traffic, I am doing SEO to get on the first page of search engines.
Please advice with good referrals , which type of links should I choose and why?
which type of links are good for which purposes?
Best answer:
Answer by dvduval
Too many reciprocal links can lead to a penalty with search engines, so be careful there. No follow links don’t pass pagerank juice. My advice would be to locate a nice list where neither of the options exists. I personally like but there are other such lists as well.
Give your answer to this question below!