Social bookmarking sites are a getting larger as of today and they are becoming very much common everyday. They are actually a remarkable source to distribute your bookmarks with everybody and also be capable of checking it out from any computer. As a matter of fact, the are definitely a fine spot to advertise a link to your blog.
Presently, there are more than fifty social bookmarking sites available and you are able to post a link to your blog on any of the sites for free. The most admired ones are Digg, technorati, Digo, Prperller, Stumbleupon, Mixx, Reddit, Delicious, Facebook, Twitter etc. Moreover, each one of them has rules and standards for placing links and as such it is absolutely very vital you read and understand each one of their laws before you post a link.
For the reason that social bookmarking sites are not as targeted as other kinds of advertising, it will surly take some time before you notice any changes in terms of traffic. But then, it is furthermore a helpful way for your blog to be seen and it may possibly direct people who might not have seen your blog in other places.
Nevertheless, since social bookmarking does not constantly present you the option to discover who indeed visited your blog, and therefore it is very essential you track those visitors that claim to have linked to you blog through a bookmarking site. In fact, if you did enable comments on your blog, then ask your blog followers to leave a comment that they discovered your site through a social bookmarking site and on which one. This will undoubtedly tell you if your bookmarks are generating traffic or not.
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Question by astraldomain: does anybody know of a site that offers free blog advertising?
I want to adverise my blog site where can i do this?
Best answer:
Answer by Margaret I
You can write lots of article to advertise your blog. Visit to lean more
What do you think? Answer below!Question by R1980: How to sell advertising on blog?
If someone starts a blog, 1) How can they drive visitors 2) How does one sell advertising on it (such as when you visit a site and their are paid banner ads on there). Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Shannon
Blogs are very SEO friendly. So if you have quality content, are making posts on a regular basis and engaging with your readers you will get traffic. After you have established yourself and are ranking well in the search engines, simply let people know that you are ready to accept advertisements. Marketers who know what they are doing know how to find profitable blogs. They will come looking for you! Good luck!
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