How To Make Money Using Facebook

How To Make Money Using Facebook

Facebook is known to be one of the largest social networking websites in the world. If you have never heard about Facebook let alone used it, then you seriously have to be living on another planet. Social networking has been seen as the biggest “boom” in Internet history. At the current moment in time, there are known to be over 400 million active users that are currently using Facebook. In comparison to most social networking websites, Facebook is quite different. Majority of the other social networking websites are known to be against having too much advertisement on their pages. This however is not the case with Facebook.

It is for this reason that Facebook has become really popular on a global scale. Making your profile appealing is very important. Do remember that seeing as this is a social networking website that exists on the internet, it is not necessary to tell the entire truth when it comes to who you are as an individual. The key here is writing about what a possible market would want to hear about. For example, say you are targeting the health and fitness niche. Do you think anyone would listen to the advice that you have to offer if you have never seen a gym in your life? The whole point about creating a profile is to do it in such a way that would appeal to your possible market.

Choosing the right niche to target on Facebook is also very important. Even though there are 400 million active users using Facebook, you want to find a niche in which there are a large number of individuals that have a common interest. Choosing the correct niche is seen as one of the main deciding factors when it comes to being successful or not. Take a bit of time searching the market to see what people are after and then act accordingly. The recommended approach is to opt for a niche that you are personally interested in your self. This way you won’t have to think too much when it comes to things that you need to talk about.

The great thing about Facebook is that majority of the hard work is already done for you. Seeing as you can easily find a large number of possible customers to talk to, it makes it much easier to make sales for your product. There are many other ways through which you can make money using Facebook. This approach would entail advertising. There are two methods that you can use on Facebook for advertising. One is free and the other is paid. If you do have a budget in which you can easily afford the paid method for advertisement, it will be highly recommended. As I’m sure you are already aware, paid services are known to generate better results as nothing in this world comes for free.

If you haven’t already started making money using Facebook, it is about time that you start to do so. The possibilities with Facebook are endless.

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How To Make Money With Facebook? Do You Want To Know?

Facebook is known to be one of the largest social networking websites in the world. If you have never heard about Facebook let alone used it, then you seriously have to be living on another planet. Social networking has been seen as the biggest “boom” in Internet history. At the current moment in time, there are known to be over 400 million active users that are currently using Facebook. In comparison to most social networking websites, Facebook is quite different. Majority of the other social networking websites are known to be against having too much advertisement on their pages. This however is not the case with Facebook.

It is for this reason that Facebook has become really popular on a global scale. Making your profile appealing is very important. Do remember that seeing as this is a social networking website that exists on the internet, it is not necessary to tell the entire truth when it comes to who you are as an individual. The key here is writing about what a possible market would want to hear about. For example, say you are targeting the health and fitness niche. Do you think anyone would listen to the advice that you have to offer if you have never seen a gym in your life? The whole point about creating a profile is to do it in such a way that would appeal to your possible market.

Choosing the right niche to target on Facebook is also very important. Even though there are 400 million active users using Facebook, you want to find a niche in which there are a large number of individuals that have a common interest. Choosing the correct niche is seen as one of the main deciding factors when it comes to being successful or not. Take a bit of time searching the market to see what people are after and then act accordingly. The recommended approach is to opt for a niche that you are personally interested in your self. This way you won’t have to think too much when it comes to things that you need to talk about.

The great thing about Facebook is that majority of the hard work is already done for you. Seeing as you can easily find a large number of possible customers to talk to, it makes it much easier to make sales for your product. There are many other ways through which you can make money using Facebook. This approach would entail advertising. There are two methods that you can use on Facebook for advertising. One is free and the other is paid. If you do have a budget in which you can easily afford the paid method for advertisement, it will be highly recommended. As I’m sure you are already aware, paid services are known to generate better results as nothing in this world comes for free.

If you haven’t already started making money using Facebook, it is about time that you start to do so. The possibilities with Facebook are endless.

Social networking sites are massively popular all over the world and millions of people are members of the various sites. Facebook in particular has a huge membership and it is growing all the time. As Facebook is so widespread, it is being used successfully by individuals and businesses to make money. So do you want to know how to make money with Facebook?

Firstly, if you have a business you can set up a Facebook page for your business and send friend requests out to as many people as possible. You can add a link to your site that people can click through to. Then after the initial hard work you can sit back and watch your friend list grow and the potential business roll in.

Secondly, you can pay to advertise on Facebook. This is very reasonable and you can target your ads to be shown to certain people. You can choose how many impressions per day you want your ad to have and this can help to make money.

Third, you can add affiliate links onto your own Facebook page. Then your aim is to get your friends to click through and make a purchase or sign up to a site. By doing this you can commission on anyone who buys a product or joins a particular site.

Fourth, you can also place links to things you might be selling online on your Facebook page. Many people do this when they add items to an auction site, so try it the next time you have something to sell.

If you know how to make money with Facebook it is possible to do so with a little effort. Just think in a few days or weeks you could be earning money by using Facebook at the same time as you are keeping in touch with friends and family.

Devin Dozier offers exclusive information on How To Make Money With Facebook on his blog Crowd Conversion

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Question by Katya Lee: Affiliate program? Pay Per Email?
Does anyone know good,working Affiliate Program? Also can you please describe the way how you making money with and estimated monthly income?
I am currently working with 2 and looking for more. Here is what i have:

1) – dating site, paid $ 2 per FREE email profile plus a bonus of up to $ 8 based on the productivity of your traffic. My Favorite!
My average monthly income – $ 500
You can use Facebook, Twiter to create profile with some hot girl picture and link to the dating site (they are not allow links to affiliate sites but you can avoid this rules by creating your free web site with 2-3 pictures on, its easy. For example here is mine: <- WARNING! ADULT CONTENTS! This links allowed by both Facebook and Twiter. Join as many people / community as you can. Other way is sectional "casual encounters". You can post something like: "Hi, i am new in town, would like to meet some nice local guy 31 - 51 y.o." ad with picture. You will receive about 100 mails a day with post like this. Reply to the people something like "Hi, thank you for interested in my ad... You can usually find me here (link to your dating affiliate) from 6 pm. I am checking this email wary occasionally and this site is free to join in." 2) www.c My average monthly income - $ 40.00 (gas money 🙂 You can easy earn this amount by completing 2-3 free offers a day (10 min of your work). So do you have your method? Would like to share? Please!!!!! Thank you! Best answer:

Answer by Virginia i do these in facebook and a lot of blogs. I get leads in craigslist.

What do you think? Answer below!

Related Make Money With Facebook Articles

Google Adwords – Twitter Traffic $$$

Google Adwords – Twitter Traffic $ $ $

Google Adwords, Let us examine a major website that is growing and can REALLY help to drive the targeted traffic you are looking for to your website. Twitter, yes Twitter when used correctly can bring in hoards of traffic to your website and that is truly ‘Guaranteed”. CLICK BELOW For Quality Website Traffic

Click Here Quality Website Traffic $ $ $

Let me go over three major steps that will help you get started and get you more traffic.

You need to have a blog. This blog should be related to your product or service, or whatever your website is about. When you create a twitter account, make sure that the name is closely tied in with the blog or business name.

Twitter Search – Use It. Use Twitters search feature to find targeted people that may be of interest and use it frequently. Begin to follow as many people as you can from the search results as you can which will quickly generate more followers to you.

Send “tweets” to those who follow you. These tweets should be information that is pertaining to what is on your blog. Whatever you do, DON’T continuously send links which will actually start to drive your followers away. This tells them that your relationship is simply based on sending them to your website even though it is J. Avoid any form of sales pitch as well, another no no on twitter or any other social networking website.

These three steps are very important, but don’t make things harder than they seem, it’s a simple process that will help you drive more traffic, targeted traffic that is. Also, keep in mind that using misleading or domain names that don’t seem related to your information will make things harder for your twitter followers.

If you have to, get a new domain that is catchy or simply easy to remember, that technique is priceless in the long run. Just think of every major website today, there names reflect simplicity. Remember the importance of the last step, because if you do not follow the correct way of going about ‘tweeting’ you will loose many followers very quickly.

Learn Today How To Get Traffic To Your Ad Or Website –  Click Here Quality Website Traffic $ $ $

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Google Traffic System
A Powerful System That uses Google Tools to Get Targeted Traffic To Your Websites. The Bonuses Include Videos That Walk You Step-By-Step To Get Traffic In As Little As 15 Minutes!
Google Traffic System

Ecommerce Internet Marketing

Ecommerce internet marketing is a rapidly growing and gaining popularity. The reason for ecommerce internet marketing to gain popularity is that the transactions are done online and it allows companies to benefit from interaction. If you have started your business online, you do need to advertise and market your products or services thus ecommerce internet marketing can be seen as a medium.

Your website does not have to extravagant but simple attractive features will do the job for you. There are ways and means of getting things done through ecommerce internet marketing which will generate traffic for you. Here are some tips as to how you can do it right through ecommerce internet marketing.

The first technique of ecommerce internet marketing that will generate traffic is to do a press release. This will let consumers know about your company and the products or services offered. You do not have to lavishly spend on advertising; there are so many mediums which can take your company to the consumers.

Product feeds are another type of technique that can be used in ecommerce internet marketing. This will allow consumers to give feedback on the products used. You can create product feeds just like a blog with information, prices and descriptions so that people are aware. These product feeds can be sent to blogs, shopping sites or search engines.

Sharing expertise is also another way of ecommerce internet marketing technique. You can host web sessions, create forums, hold workshops or seminars. This will be seen as a step to educate the consumer’s knowledge of your product. You can also use articles as a part of ecommerce internet marketing. Article directories do not cost you much and attracts large number of people.

Another type of ecommerce internet marketing is to hold website submission. This means that owners of websites submit their websites to search engines such as Yahoo or Google. However when it comes to submission of websites it is not just about submitting and leaving it to search engines to create traffic. In this case, you can link articles to your websites. This will definitely create traffic.

Personalized commercials are also a technique of ecommerce internet marketing. You can upload videos which markets your company to a larger audience. This does not mean that you need to spend huge amounts to get it done. A unique advertisement will bring about a large number of followers to your site.

Social networking is gateway to ecommerce internet marketing. Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook etc have contributed to generating traffic. They target a larger audience hence you are sure to get more consumers. Blogs too generate traffic and you can put up promotions, offers etc so that people can visit your website.

Ecommerce internet marketing is an easy and cost effective way of marketing and advertising your company. As mentioned above there are so many in which sales can be generated.

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Question by ysn – yourstudentnews: Social Networking sites and marketing – is it worth the time and effort?
I have been thinking about joining into myspace and others to help promote a business. Does this work? Is it really worth the time to set up a nice “space” or do the members of these places just view such things as spam?

Any experience with linkedIn?

Any lists of niche social networking sites – especially those focused on business or education?

Best answer:

Answer by Dark N
nahh dont think about it. u ll probably harm ur buisness image more than benifting it.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are a great way to build both friendships and business. But they may also rob you of your rights.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing

How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing

How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing

If there is one internet marketing fad that will be hot this year, then it will be the use of Facebook as a marketing tool.

This social networking site is already hot since this is the choice of half a billion people, but there is another aspect where this site can realize its potential. And this is in the form of internet marketing called Facebook ads marketing. And at the rate things are going this site will even eclipse Google Ad words. This is saying a lot of course, but there is basis for saying this thing.

So why do we say that Facebook and marketing on its site is way better than Google? Well, it all lies on the user-friendliness of the social networking website. Another reason is that Facebook will allow for a more accurate way of targeting your next set of audience for your campaigns.

With these things in mind, is it nice to dip your fingers on this marketing tool? We know you want it too, but before you plunge into this new advertising platform you may want to know the best strategies on how to design and to handle Facebook advertisements. We list below some of the suggestions when handling Facebook advertisements for use in Facebook ads marketing.

• When starting this campaign for the first time, make sure that you replace and edit your advertisements on a regular basis. This is necessary so that the internet users will not get bored with the ads. Make all your advertisements fresh in the eyes of Facebook users. By doing this you increase the chances of success for your advertisements.

• Consider organizing your target groups and the campaigns by using the high and low affinity.

• Advertisements should be made more appealing and livelier with the use of images. The ads will be more compelling if images and good looking pictures are added to the advertisements.

• Don’t just stop on the pictures and the images when designing and creating the advertisements for the site. It is also important that you focus on the content of the ads. Make sure that you write a good copy rich in excellent testimonials and call for action.

• Don’t just rely on one set of ads for your Facebook marketing campaign. It is always recommended to test a number of ads for your campaign. This is helpful so that you can easily cancel out the advertisements that don’t work and you can continue the ones that click.

• Don’t over use the ads for a long period of time. At a certain point make sure that the ad should be stopped and activated on a later time.

And more importantly, in the designing of Facebook ads make sure that you put in mind what the Facebook users will feel and say when they see the advertisements. Will they like the ad, or will they be disappointed? If you think that the ad will be off, and then time to cancel it and find another one for use in your Facebook ads marketing.

Matthew Iannotti is a marketing consultant in the New York City area. To learn more about Facebook Marketing

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Facebook Ads Marketing: A Threat to Google AdWords?

How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing

If there is one internet marketing fad that will be hot this year, then it will be the use of Facebook as a marketing tool.

This social networking site is already hot since this is the choice of half a billion people, but there is another aspect where this site can realize its potential. And this is in the form of internet marketing called Facebook ads marketing. And at the rate things are going this site will even eclipse Google Ad words. This is saying a lot of course, but there is basis for saying this thing.

So why do we say that Facebook and marketing on its site is way better than Google? Well, it all lies on the user-friendliness of the social networking website. Another reason is that Facebook will allow for a more accurate way of targeting your next set of audience for your campaigns.

With these things in mind, is it nice to dip your fingers on this marketing tool? We know you want it too, but before you plunge into this new advertising platform you may want to know the best strategies on how to design and to handle Facebook advertisements. We list below some of the suggestions when handling Facebook advertisements for use in Facebook ads marketing.

• When starting this campaign for the first time, make sure that you replace and edit your advertisements on a regular basis. This is necessary so that the internet users will not get bored with the ads. Make all your advertisements fresh in the eyes of Facebook users. By doing this you increase the chances of success for your advertisements.

• Consider organizing your target groups and the campaigns by using the high and low affinity.

• Advertisements should be made more appealing and livelier with the use of images. The ads will be more compelling if images and good looking pictures are added to the advertisements.

• Don’t just stop on the pictures and the images when designing and creating the advertisements for the site. It is also important that you focus on the content of the ads. Make sure that you write a good copy rich in excellent testimonials and call for action.

• Don’t just rely on one set of ads for your Facebook marketing campaign. It is always recommended to test a number of ads for your campaign. This is helpful so that you can easily cancel out the advertisements that don’t work and you can continue the ones that click.

• Don’t over use the ads for a long period of time. At a certain point make sure that the ad should be stopped and activated on a later time.

And more importantly, in the designing of Facebook ads make sure that you put in mind what the Facebook users will feel and say when they see the advertisements. Will they like the ad, or will they be disappointed? If you think that the ad will be off, and then time to cancel it and find another one for use in your Facebook ads marketing.

Online Marketing has become extremely popular for the last four years, and during this period, Google AdWords was the top online marketing tool of choice among advertisers. AdWords still remains as the dominant player, but the rise of social networking site Facebook has opened an alternative door of opportunity for online advertisers. It is through Facebook Ads Marketing.

Facebook may still be fairly young in the world of online marketing, but as early as now, many advertisers have been impressed with the ROI that they’ve got after putting up their advertisements in Facebook.

So what makes Facebook Ads Marketing more ideal than Google AdWords?

1. Less competition
Facebook is generally known to be a social networking site, and it is only recently that advertisers have tapped the site’s potential as an online marketing tool. If you will be putting up your ads right now, then you can definitely expect fewer competitors around as compared to Google.

Google has already become overcrowded in the recent years. A number of advertisers have expressed their discomfort on Google Adword’s increasing stiff rules and rising cost-per-clicks because of the high-level of competition. You will not experience this struggle with Facebook, at least for now.

2. Accurate Targeting
Unlike AdWords, majority of Facebook still remains a social networking site. Users do not actually go to Facebook to search for products, but advertisers can capitalize on Facebook’s ability to target their advertisements based on the users’ demographics and location data. These data can be used to focus the ads on Facebook users who have the same age, location or interests as what you have targeted when creating these ads.

The result is a more accurate list of leads, as compared to AdWord’s broad but uncertain list of potential customers.

3. Use of Pictures
Who wouldn’t be enticed by an advertisement that contains some images on it, as compared to a bland, pure text ad? Advertisers can include pictures on their Facebook ads, something that Google AdWords lacks of. Imagery has always been proven to be an effective way in arousing the interest of people to peek in to what a product can really offer.

4. More user impressions
Facebook has about 39 billion impressions each month, so that really proves how large this site’s audience-reach is. That estimate is said to be about 5 times larger than that of Google’s. The number of Facebook users is fast-increasing while there are still a few advertisers on-board. This can only mean more ideal leads that you can ultimately convert to sales.

5. Lower cost-per-click
Facebook ads cost lower than AdWords, and if you’re a small businessman who is just starting out in the world of online marketing, then definitely this would matter a lot. An average cost-per-click is only for , something that is very reasonable to maintain.

With all of these factors coming into play, is Facebook Ads Marketing really a threat to Google AdWords? The answer is as bright as what’s in store for Facebook in the coming years.

Matthew Iannotti is a marketing consultant in the New York City area. To learn more about Facebook Marketing

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Question by Lauren: are the friend-finder ads on facebook based on who views your profile the most?
someone told me that… because the people that come up for the ads on the righthand side are always people you’re friends with, but it’s not necessarily people that always comment on my stuff.

Best answer:

Answer by Chass
No. They are from your friends lists.

Add your own answer in the comments!

More Facebook Ads Articles

Facebook Ads Guide Review Overview

Facebook Ads Guide Review Overview

With over 400 million members, Facebook gets more traffic than Google. Facebook’s database also breaks down its member base by location, age, sex, language, and a few other filters. Clearly, Facebook delivers two of the main ingredients for a successful ad campaign: a large base and targeted delivery.

It’s easy to just jump into Facebook’s ad interface, run a test campaign, and learn from trial and error, but it also might be expensive and time consuming. Thankfully, marketers can learn from experienced Facebook marketers and avoid wasting time and money. One such marketer who thoroughly analyzed and mastered Facebook’s ad system is veteran affiliate marketer Jonathan Volk. He recently released Facebook Ads Guide, which spells out how to effectively set up Facebook ad campaigns and hit profit targets.

The owner of this guide is a professional marketer who has only recently discovered that he could get much more traffic and better results from the traffic from Facebook compared to the other traffic sources that he has been using before. It utilizes the concept of affiliate marketing, which is not something new in the industry, to combine it with the latest and most popular social networking website Facebook.

Facebook Ads Guide is a step by step guide that covers the key stages in effective Facebook ad campaigns.

Selecting Offers to Promote

Besides a quick primer on how affiliate programs work, Jonathan identifies the types of offers that work well on Facebook.

Selecting Demographic Targets

Jonathan teaches you how to analyze your offer and find the demographic groups in Facebook that would respond well to your offer’s online classifieds.

How to write effective Facebook Online Classifieds Ads

Ads that have low click through rates make less money. This section outlines Jonathan’s methods on writing ads that get clicked a lot.

Bidding Techniques

Jonathan breaks down the differing ad campaign types in this section and helps you decide which goes best with your offer.

Campaign optimization

Jonathan steps you through his techniques on how to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness–tricks on how to increase landing page conversions, overcome banner ad fatigue, and other ways to increase your offer’s effectiveness. Since this section highlights Jonathan’s marketing analysis and expertise, this section is easily the most important in the whole ebook.

The Verdict on Facebook Ads Guide

After reading this guide, I quickly realized that it doesn’t just teach me how to market on Facebook. It also breaks down WHY I should take certain steps and analyzes everything from this key marketing question-how will this make my offer sell better? Not too many affiliate marketing ebooks do this since most concern themselves primarily with HOW to do something instead of going through the very important analysis experienced marketers use.

There are two types of marketers-successful ones and those that fail. Those that merely focus on HOW to do something and those who get WHY something works. Jonathan Volk’s Facebook Ads Guide goes beyond the usual “how to” format that, frankly, floods the Internet. Jonathan goes several steps further and gives the reader the profit-centered analytical perspective they need to benefit fully from Facebook’s advertising potential.

Throughout these years, Jonathan has been able to generate millions of dollars in affiliate revenue, most of which are coming from his Facebook advertisements that he has only recently started creating about 10 months ago.

You will find more details here about Facebook Ads Guide.

Article from

How Apps can Help your Facebook Ad

With over 400 million members, Facebook gets more traffic than Google. Facebook’s database also breaks down its member base by location, age, sex, language, and a few other filters. Clearly, Facebook delivers two of the main ingredients for a successful ad campaign: a large base and targeted delivery.

It’s easy to just jump into Facebook’s ad interface, run a test campaign, and learn from trial and error, but it also might be expensive and time consuming. Thankfully, marketers can learn from experienced Facebook marketers and avoid wasting time and money. One such marketer who thoroughly analyzed and mastered Facebook’s ad system is veteran affiliate marketer Jonathan Volk. He recently released Facebook Ads Guide, which spells out how to effectively set up Facebook ad campaigns and hit profit targets.

The owner of this guide is a professional marketer who has only recently discovered that he could get much more traffic and better results from the traffic from Facebook compared to the other traffic sources that he has been using before. It utilizes the concept of affiliate marketing, which is not something new in the industry, to combine it with the latest and most popular social networking website Facebook.

Facebook Ads Guide is a step by step guide that covers the key stages in effective Facebook ad campaigns.

Selecting Offers to Promote

Besides a quick primer on how affiliate programs work, Jonathan identifies the types of offers that work well on Facebook.

Selecting Demographic Targets

Jonathan teaches you how to analyze your offer and find the demographic groups in Facebook that would respond well to your offer’s online classifieds.

How to write effective Facebook Online Classifieds Ads

Ads that have low click through rates make less money. This section outlines Jonathan’s methods on writing ads that get clicked a lot.

Bidding Techniques

Jonathan breaks down the differing ad campaign types in this section and helps you decide which goes best with your offer.

Campaign optimization

Jonathan steps you through his techniques on how to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness–tricks on how to increase landing page conversions, overcome banner ad fatigue, and other ways to increase your offer’s effectiveness. Since this section highlights Jonathan’s marketing analysis and expertise, this section is easily the most important in the whole ebook.

The Verdict on Facebook Ads Guide

After reading this guide, I quickly realized that it doesn’t just teach me how to market on Facebook. It also breaks down WHY I should take certain steps and analyzes everything from this key marketing question-how will this make my offer sell better? Not too many affiliate marketing ebooks do this since most concern themselves primarily with HOW to do something instead of going through the very important analysis experienced marketers use.

There are two types of marketers-successful ones and those that fail. Those that merely focus on HOW to do something and those who get WHY something works. Jonathan Volk’s Facebook Ads Guide goes beyond the usual “how to” format that, frankly, floods the Internet. Jonathan goes several steps further and gives the reader the profit-centered analytical perspective they need to benefit fully from Facebook’s advertising potential.

Throughout these years, Jonathan has been able to generate millions of dollars in affiliate revenue, most of which are coming from his Facebook advertisements that he has only recently started creating about 10 months ago.

You will find more details here about Facebook Ads Guide.

Applications have the ability to go viral – and Facebook is all about viral: But did you ever stop to think how much apps can help increase the effectiveness of your Facebook Ad?

The beauty of Facebook apps – they’re interactive: Something your fans can click on, and get a tiny reward in the form of a result. It can be as minimal as the “Like This” link you click on ads, allowing you to express your preference… or something that provides a more tangible reward. For example, clicking on a flower to “send” it to a friend.

And now that Facebook’s development platform allows anyone who’s interested to concoct their own app, it’s something you may wish to consider as a strategy to enhance your Facebook page – or ad!

In case you’re breaking out in hives at the word “app”, let me ask you a question:  Have you ever created a widget? If you’re nodding in relief, and saying, “Oh yes. I’ve created lots of widgets!” you should have no problem. That’s basically what Facebook apps are; or at least, how they operate.

App Examples

If you’re brand new to apps and are just curious what they look like… think of all those little links on your Facebook pages:

– Poke
– Like
– Facebook Wall

And, of course, all those annoying messages your Facebook friends send you:  “Give Jane a Virtual Slap”.  So you click, and the first thing you see is the message: “Allow Access? Allowing Slap Your Friends will let it pull your profile information, photos, your friends’ info, and other content that it requires to work”.

You then either click “Allow”, or the “Leave Application” link. If you click “Allow”, you’ve added the App to your Facebook account… as well as allowing it to access all your information.

Apps that Catch On Quickly

If you want your app to catch on quickly, there are certain attributes you need to make sure it contains. It’s not nuclear physics – just logical common sense:

– Migrating users to your website by inserting a link
– Incorporating an element of interaction
– Utilizing current events (e.g. an app that allows you to vote or input on some element of upcoming “green” events)
Including competition against the computer, or against your user’s “friends”
– Creating an unbearably cute app with appealing graphics that hugs, sprinkles fairy dust, gives jewel to or other wise lavishes attention on your lonely Facebook friends

This latter tactic can be especially successful in increasing your app’s popularity because when the element of competition is added, you can virtually count on users promoting the app for you by begging friends to “vote” or click – or whatever way you’ve set up for them to use it.

Making Money with Apps

Yes. You can. But if you are using one to augment your Facebook ad, making money should be a side-effect, rather than your main tunnel-vision focus.

How Do You Actually Make a Facebook App?

If you are familiar with PHP and MySQL, or other coding languages, you can easily create one from the Facebook Developer page, which walks you through the process. If not, you might want to consider visiting a site such as, and hire a coder to create one for you (search, using the parameter “Facebook applications”).

Whether you regard apps as the most annoying curse of the 21st century or the most exciting thing since “The Pirates of the Caribbean”, it’s a subject you shouldn’t ignore – particularly if you are considering marketing with Facebook Ads.

For More Great Info and tips to help your FaceBook ads performance click HERE

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