eBay Money – Still Selling Well
There’s a big question you must answer when considering ways to find bargain priced goods : Which sources deliver the least amount of hassle for the most profit?
Let’s consider the 7 most creative local sources however first, understand that eBay no longer permits sales of downloadable ebooks and software. Everything sold on eBay today must be a physical product that may be distributed to the buyer.
While the list below of 7 suggestions concentrates on your neighborhood, make it a point to search online for providers of products you can purchase at wholesale and sell at retail. There are numerous such websites offering deals so you must be really wary and do your research.
At the end of this article is a link to my point by point guide which includes a wholesale product membership site that is rated 1 for member statisfaction, guarantee, and quality of products. Check them out after you exhaust the local sources. They also have an affiliate forum where members help each other succeed.
One more factor to think about is Shipping, Handling, and Sales Tax. Many wholesale product sources will dropship products to your clients so you never essentially handle the products. Sales Taxes are another matter. You check your state for rules on this.
Now, here are the top 7 methods to find low cost products hereabouts that you can sell on eBay :
1. Household sales.
Probabilities are you have gone most of your life seeing adverts for these and ignoring them. I still do ignore them because I loathe getting up early to beat the crowd for the bargains. Having said that , you must start going to as many of these sales as you can. You won’t always find good bargains at each one, but , when you find one seller with lot’s of excellent stuff, make them an offer for the lot! They are going to be pleased to give you a genuine good price. Just toss the junk and sell the in demand items on eBay for a nice profit.
2. Flea Markets.
If your area has flea markets, then go to them regularly and look round for anything with profit potential and get it. Again, see if you can make a package deal. Sellers love to make a fast sale so they can pack up early.
3. Pawn shops.
Pawn shops are getting harder to find but they can be a rewarding source. Pawn shops operators don’t generally know about how much the stuff is worth if they sell it on eBay so some real bargains are going to be had. The exception is gold and dear stones. They know the value of those however usually, they put the rest of their stock out on the shelves haphazardly, knowing that ultimately somebody with a little money will come in and buy something. Again, the buy-in-bulk rule applies. Make them offer you a reduction for some stuff you think might sell well on eBay. And, never tell them you’re selling on eBay!
The same is still true for second hand or next-to-new stores. Grab some bargains!
4. Real live auctions.
It’s a proven bet that you can resell things for over you pay for them at an auction. Of course , they only have some folks attending so competition isn’t as hard as you may think. Remember, you’ve a few million prospects to sell to on eBay so go that small bit more on your bids on items you know will sell well on eBay.
5. Local papers.
This is great way to beat out other potential competitors. Place an advertisement in the local paper that reads [*CO]’I pay money for your ( name item )’ with your phone number included. If you can afford it, make it a big display ad to stick out. Families will call you first rather than go through the hassle of running their own ad and having to handle phone calls and tire kickers.
6. Ad boards.
Put one of your advertisements on the grocery store or laundromat community board, saying’I Pay cash for your ( name item ) .’ Here again, people will call you to avoid the hassle of advertising and folks calling them at all hours or not showing up.
7. Friends, Neighbors, Relatives.
Ask your family, mates, and neighbors too, if they have anything they would like to sell and ask them to spread the word to everyone they know that you are buying. Or, ask them to let you sell their stuff for them and split the profits. We have one store in our town that publicizes for stuff to sell on eBay and splits the profits with the owners of the things sold.
WalMart is particularly good because they have loads of items in their clearance aisles that you can buy cheaply and sell in places of the country that do not have a massive discount store like WalMart. WalMart’s return policy makes this a steal because many of the products were not really used at all, while others are simply discontinued models or end of season sale items.
As an example, my daughter bought a collection of 8 glasses for and sold them for a pair on eBay. Good profit, indeed!
Do you want to learn more about how I run my affiliate marketing business online? I have just completed a brand new free system. Demonstrating exactly how to find eBay markets and products to sell.
Article from articlesbase.com
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