The Top 5 Tips For Beginning To Sell On EBay
You’ve heard the stories of eBay success and probably even deemed some of them unbelievable. EBay has taken internet sales by storm and many people around the world are now making a great full time living from eBay alone. I began selling on eBay in April of 2006 and quickly found just how profitable eBay can be. EBay became my primary income only 3 months after my first sale. I now make a 6 figure full time income generated only by my eBay Powerseller accounts. Here are a few tips to follow to help you get started on the road to financial freedom for yourself.
Start selling items from around your home
Go through your closets, garage, cupboards, attic and basement and look for things you don’t use or no longer need. Remember, trash is trash, but things you might think of as trash actually can be sold on eBay very easily. Selling items that you no longer need or want will help increase your feedback and allow you to build your reputation on eBay. You probably won’t get rich selling the stuff you don’t want, but it sure is a great way to remove clutter from your home and make you some extra cash.
The Feedback Score is Very Important
As mentioned above, you want to build your feedback. Shoot to get your feedback score up in the double or triple digits as quickly as possible. This will make a huge difference to your potential customers. Feedback scores are grouped together into one category whether you are buying or selling. If people want to view your feedback score (your reputation) they can visit your feedback profile area and read the comments that are left by previous buyers and sellers that you dealt with. Do people really do that? YES they do.
Sign Up With PayPal
95% of all payments I receive are made to me through PayPal. PayPal accepts credit card payments and electronic checks so you don’t even need to get a merchant account to sell on eBay or anywhere else online. PayPal is set up to be a simple and fast funding source for eBay customers and is quickly becoming one of the primary payment sources all over the internet.
Communication is very important!
EBay is all about how well you can communicate. Your item description is one of the most important factors in whether or not your item sells. Your description should tell the buyer everything about the item you are selling. Lots of quality pictures are also a very important factor to determine whether or not you make a sale. Once again look at what the other sellers are doing and take note of why some sellers just seem more credible than others. It is OK if you are selling something that is flawed or scratched as long as you tell the buyers about it in your ad. Do not be afraid to point out the condition of the item. If it is not working it can still sell. There are people looking for what you are selling. It all comes down to price and whether or not they find you a credible seller.
Be sure to communicate with the buyer before, during and after the sale. Messages sent letting customers know what is going on at all points in the process will help assure you receive a positive feedback. Be sure to send a thank you message when the item is won or purchased and additional messages when you receive payment and ship their item. In all your communications be polite and courteous. When you do this you will build an incredible reputation and people will be spreading the word about you as a great eBay seller.
Don’t get discouraged
It is likely that it will take a while to become accustom to selling on eBay and build your reputation to the point that you see regular sales. People are bargain hunting on eBay, so find items you can afford to sell, and price them so you can make the profit you want. If you have items that are hand crafted or homemade, decide if the price you can sell them at is going to be worth your time and effort. Search eBay for items similar to your own and get an idea of the price things sell for. Check your competition. Find out if hundreds of people selling the same item? Can you compete with them? Are your suppliers selling the same products on eBay? Millions of items sell on eBay daily so don’t limit yourself or get your heart set on selling one specific thing.
You can make great money selling on eBay just like the millions of eBay sellers all over the world. Whether you want to be an EBay seller part time as a hobby, or turn it into a full time business will be up to you. These 5 basic tips will help you set the foundation to build a profit producing eBay business of your own.
Andy Youtz is Vice President and a professional eBay coach for Mastermind Pros ( Mastermind Pros coaching will show you how to make an income with eBay through live, interactive daily conferences. Let us guide you on the path to online success.
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According to an AC Nielsen study conducted in early 2005, as many as 724,000 Americans depend on eBay sales for all or part of their income. But it is becoming more difficult to run a profitable business on eBay, as its sales growth slows and fees increase. Sellers are being squeezed between these two factors.
In order to thrive in this unique marketplace, sellers need to spend their money wisely, buy goods that will sell at low prices, market those goods aggressively and develop a well-
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