Charlotte Web Design – Ugly Doesn’t Sell
A lot of people have decided to become “graphic designers” without the proper training needed to actually succeed. Because of this, companies and their SEO rankings are suffering.
Some web designers build beautiful websites but aren’t functional, and then there are others who find it necessary to use every graphic design tool available – making a website pretty but unusable.
Even though a start-up business may think that they cannot hire a well-known designer, actually there is no correlation between good web design and dollars. It is very much possible to spend lots of money and then not be satisfied with the finished product. Companies should take a look at a designer’s past work or portfolio before committing to their services.
In the Search Engine Optimization and web design world, ugly does not sell! According to Search Engine Optimization for Dummies: 3rd edition, ugly can be the following:
Color combinations that do not work for a website Cutesy backgrounds that look – cutesy, not professional Unorganized page layouts that look very amateur Awful typeface choices that make the pages close to unreadable Combinations of fonts and colors that make the text close to unreadable – such as white text on black backgrounds Clunky, unprofessional images and photos
Companies such as CODANK Charlotte Web Design provide potential clients with a web portfolio of all of their past and present projects. You can view CODANK’s portfolio here. Giving potential clients the opportunity to see their work allows for a fair judgment. View a web designer’s work and then you make the decision of if they are worth hiring.
About CODANK Charlotte Web Design
CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.
For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at
About CODANK Charlotte Website Design and Markjeting Company
CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.
For more information, visit us at
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Question by GIDEON B: What web design platform or software can I use to design websites like iGoogle or My Yahoo?
What web design platform or software can I use to design websites like iGoogle or My Yahoo i.e. websites (e.g.homepage) that can be modular in design and blocks can be moved around or replaced by the user? The user has a choice of modules to add to homepage and decides what to add or remove on their web page?
Best answer:
Answer by johnny1985
You would probably need to use a mix of the codes html,php and javascript. or you could try using asp with ajax
What do you think? Answer below!
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