Lead Generation For MLM – Understanding Facebook Advertising
When it comes to lead generation for your MLM business, there is no question that paid advertising can generate leads faster (and in greater volume) than almost anything else. One of the most emerging forms of paid advertising is Facebook advertising.
While many have heard of it — and are interested in it as a possible avenue of lead generation for their MLM — they do not exactly understand how it works, why it works and how it is different from other types of PPC advertising.
Well let’s start with the obvious question — why is Facebook advertising becoming so popular? Take one look at the Facebook numbers. Facebook has:
*More than 500 million active users
*50% of its active users log on to Facebook in any given day
*The average Facebook user has 130 Facebook friends
*People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
If your focus is lead generation for your MLM, does this seem like a good resource? Of course!
In terms of a PPC advertising platform, what are the benefits of using Facebook as a lead generation source for your MLM? There are really two big benefits to advertising on Facebook.
Facebook Benefit #1: Unlike other PPC platforms, Facebook allows you to target your audience based on numerous categories of things including their likes and interests, their age, their sex, the schools they attended, geographical location etc. There are literally hundreds of different targeting options. When your goal is lead generation for your MLM, then being able to target those leads this specifically is a big benefit.
For example, say you are targeting people who buy movie tickets. You can do this by talking about a specific movie or talking about discount movie tickets. Remember that lead generation for your MLM is not just about generating a lot of leads, but is ideally about generating good, targeted leads.
Facebook Benefit #2: As you can tell by the sheer number of people who are not just a Facebook member but also are actually ON Facebook daily, Facebook is a great way to get massive amounts of targeted traffic very quickly.
The great benefits notwithstanding, there are a few things to watch out for when considering the use of Facebook advertising for lead generation for your MLM.
Facebook Caution #1: Advertising on Facebook can get expensive very quickly. As with any paid form of traffic, be sure to start with a small budget, monitor how well your ads are converting, and then slowly ramp up your advertising budget.
Facebook Caution #2: While Facebook is superior in terms of the ability to be able to target people, its conversion tracking ability isn’t that great. So you are going to want to be sure to use your own tracking code so you can properly monitor the results.
In terms of lead generation for your MLM, the most important thing to remember about Facebook advertising are the two biggest separating components (i.e., the two things that differentiate it from other PPC platforms like Google Adwords)
Biggest Separating Component #1: In terms of targeting, the ability to be able to engage in lead generation for your MLM by targeting people’s likes and interests is perhaps the biggest thing that separates Facebook from other PPC platforms. Think about the quality of leads you can generate when you can target ONLY people who have an interest in what you are offering.
Biggest Separating Component #2: While the ability to target people based on their likes and interests is a major advantage, there is one component of advertising on Facebook that could be considered a disadvantage but is at least a major difference from other PPC platforms. That is the psychology of the web searcher on Facebook (versus other PPC platforms).
Lead generation for an MLM is all about attracting people who are looking for what you have to offer. When someone searches on Google or another search engine, they are actively looking for something — whether it’s information, a solution or something else. In other words, when they come across a PPC ad and click on it, it is because they have gone out of their way to do it.
On Facebook, this is rarely if ever the case. Ads on Facebook just “show up” on someone’s page. Facebook ads rarely, if ever, are the product of someone searching for anything. In terms of maximizing lead generation for your MLM when doing Facebook advertising, therefore, you need to be sure that you test more ads on Facebook than you do on other PPC platforms.
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Terry Duff is a well respected home based business training specialist and business builder himself. He has grown several different home based business using the same “underground” techniques that he shares in his highly sought after free reports. To claim your free copy of “How To Create Your First 6 Figure Month In Network Marketing” head on over right now to http://www.RecruitFaster.com – To date, he has helped more than 100,000 home based business owners in more than 30 countries.
How Your Business Can Profit From Facebook Advertising
When it comes to lead generation for your MLM business, there is no question that paid advertising can generate leads faster (and in greater volume) than almost anything else. One of the most emerging forms of paid advertising is Facebook advertising.
While many have heard of it — and are interested in it as a possible avenue of lead generation for their MLM — they do not exactly understand how it works, why it works and how it is different from other types of PPC advertising.
Well let’s start with the obvious question — why is Facebook advertising becoming so popular? Take one look at the Facebook numbers. Facebook has:
*More than 500 million active users
*50% of its active users log on to Facebook in any given day
*The average Facebook user has 130 Facebook friends
*People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
If your focus is lead generation for your MLM, does this seem like a good resource? Of course!
In terms of a PPC advertising platform, what are the benefits of using Facebook as a lead generation source for your MLM? There are really two big benefits to advertising on Facebook.
Facebook Benefit #1: Unlike other PPC platforms, Facebook allows you to target your audience based on numerous categories of things including their likes and interests, their age, their sex, the schools they attended, geographical location etc. There are literally hundreds of different targeting options. When your goal is lead generation for your MLM, then being able to target those leads this specifically is a big benefit.
For example, say you are targeting people who buy movie tickets. You can do this by talking about a specific movie or talking about discount movie tickets. Remember that lead generation for your MLM is not just about generating a lot of leads, but is ideally about generating good, targeted leads.
Facebook Benefit #2: As you can tell by the sheer number of people who are not just a Facebook member but also are actually ON Facebook daily, Facebook is a great way to get massive amounts of targeted traffic very quickly.
The great benefits notwithstanding, there are a few things to watch out for when considering the use of Facebook advertising for lead generation for your MLM.
Facebook Caution #1: Advertising on Facebook can get expensive very quickly. As with any paid form of traffic, be sure to start with a small budget, monitor how well your ads are converting, and then slowly ramp up your advertising budget.
Facebook Caution #2: While Facebook is superior in terms of the ability to be able to target people, its conversion tracking ability isn’t that great. So you are going to want to be sure to use your own tracking code so you can properly monitor the results.
In terms of lead generation for your MLM, the most important thing to remember about Facebook advertising are the two biggest separating components (i.e., the two things that differentiate it from other PPC platforms like Google Adwords)
Biggest Separating Component #1: In terms of targeting, the ability to be able to engage in lead generation for your MLM by targeting people’s likes and interests is perhaps the biggest thing that separates Facebook from other PPC platforms. Think about the quality of leads you can generate when you can target ONLY people who have an interest in what you are offering.
Biggest Separating Component #2: While the ability to target people based on their likes and interests is a major advantage, there is one component of advertising on Facebook that could be considered a disadvantage but is at least a major difference from other PPC platforms. That is the psychology of the web searcher on Facebook (versus other PPC platforms).
Lead generation for an MLM is all about attracting people who are looking for what you have to offer. When someone searches on Google or another search engine, they are actively looking for something — whether it’s information, a solution or something else. In other words, when they come across a PPC ad and click on it, it is because they have gone out of their way to do it.
On Facebook, this is rarely if ever the case. Ads on Facebook just “show up” on someone’s page. Facebook ads rarely, if ever, are the product of someone searching for anything. In terms of maximizing lead generation for your MLM when doing Facebook advertising, therefore, you need to be sure that you test more ads on Facebook than you do on other PPC platforms.
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If you want to reach a lot of people about your products or services, then facebook advertising is the way to do it. When you think about how many people on the planet visit facebook every single day, other forms of advertisement will suddenly seem very small.
You can add many little neat things to your business ad when you use facebook for advertising. These kinds of attachment will attract more people to your ad. You might like to have a game or some other kind of social action that will allow you more visitors.
You can personalize your facebook ad as well. You might choose pay per click or impression for your ad. You will have the greatest exposure on facebook and these are going to be in your currency also. Social media like this are making headway on the internet and facebook is in the lead. Make sure to place your business ad and make a page for it. You do not want to be left behind from not being there.
You are going to have no trouble in managing the ads that you have on facebook. You can track them in real time and see what kind of people are clicking on your ads the most. Facebook provides the best in simple advertising. At the same time, it is affordable and will help you pave the way to much greater profits.
If you make sure to follow the guidelines that facebook has for those that advertise on their social media pages, then you should get a great deal of business from the placement of that ad. You are going to be able to look forward to many hits when you have the super exposure that can only come from being on facebook. If you are ready for your business to take a few large leaps forward, then it is time to check into facebook advertising. One last thing.
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The much anticipated Facebook Marketing Book by Nick Jag ( NickJag.com ). Everyone has been talking about Facebook – it’s the next MySpace! The problem is, how to do you, as a band or business, take advantage of this opportunity? Whether you’re just getting started on Facebook or have been on the site for years, this book is going to show you how to promote your band or business effectively and efficiently! There are so many marketing channels in Facebook, many of the ineffective. Some will even
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Question by Ashado: What is an impression on Facebook advertising?
I would like to advertise on Facebook and I am getting confused. I know what they mean by bid per click; however, and I don’t mean to sound ignorant, I don’t know what an impression is. Could somebody explain to me. I am just starting my store out and I don’t want a big monthly expense. Which allows more viewers to see my add at a reasonable monthly Cost. So I guess I have two questions. Help, please.
Best answer:
Answer by no
An impression simply means that your ad was shown on a page.
A click means someone clicked on the ad when it was shown.
Add your own answer in the comments!

www.TheInternetTimeMachine.com shows you a secret Facebook technique that can save you thousand of dollars in advertising on Facebook. Don’t get sucked in to the CPC model when they are giving away the CPM model…to targeted traffic!
Video Rating: 5 / 5