Web Hosting Providers ? Know Who?s the Best
Choosing the right host from the wide variety of web hosting providers that are out on the market today can be a hard job for the inexperienced web site owner. Your web site is your face or the face of your entire company to the whole internet world, and a slow, unreliable, boring site is the quickest way to turn away a potential customer. All lot of web hosting services claim to be the best, but a little research by you or a third party reviewer is all it takes to see that not all of them deliver on the promise. Here are some of the hosting providers that have consistently ranked among the best in the industry.
Dedicated to taking the confusing guess work out of weeding through the whole herd of current web hosting providers, FatCow is a New Mexico company that dedicated to removing all of the industry jargon and confusing price structures from the process. Earning their rating as one of the best values for the money in the industry, FatCow offers one, multiple-tiered hosting plan that can be tailored to fit the needs of any user. For as little as .50 monthly, FatCow customers can get unlimited gigs of disk space and data transfer per month, plus access to a website builder free of charge (essential if this is your first website), a helpful e-store builder, hit counters, surveys and polls to get feedback on the site from your viewers, and a plethora of user-friendly wizards for making your site even more interesting with open source applications.
If you’re tired of web hosting providers that start out by bragging about their low prices only to find out that to add on everything you want in a hosting service, it will cost you twice as much? Host Monster is committed to providing quality, professional web hosting with no hidden fees. As a consistent front runner in the web hosting industry, Host Monster also offers reliable, non-outsourced customer support that is guaranteed to understand your question and get to work finding a satisfying answer right away.
Even if you don’t have a domain name already purchased, web hosting providers like BlueHost can help you get started. For new clients BlueHost offers a package with a free domain name, a free eCommerce cart, free blog, forum or message board, a site promotion package and 24 hour a day customer support, all for around .95 monthly.
If you’re interested in affordable web hosting services that are friendly to the environment as well as your wallet, consider the hosting services of award winning GreenGeeks. Most people don’t realize that it takes an enormous amount of energy to keep the servers of the internet up and running. GreenGeeks draws the energy for its servers from renewable sources, in addition to offering reliable, powerful hosting solutions with no limits on web storage, data file transfers, number of domain names possible on a single account and a web site builder all for around .95 a month.
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