Can You Really Make Money On eBay?
Worldwide dreams often include ways to make more money online to either supplement your current income from a job or to actually create an entirely new home business and quit your job. Many traditional thinkers believe that trying to make money online is a total pipe dream generated by futile wishes.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Everyday hundreds of brand new entrepreneurs look to eBay to sell their unused household goods, collectibles or new products they’ve created to start their fresh income stream. The truth is that eBay, along with, has become a powerful force all by itself. Newcomers are making money every day. You could easily join them.
A simple, local method of making money on eBay has almost become an underground movement. Many people visit yard sales and flea markets every weekend, mostly setting out early with the local weekend newspaper list of neighbourhood offerings. They will bargain for the best price they can negotiate, bring their “finds” home, clean them up, take photos and have a new eBay listing before the weekend is over.
Some auctions might make just a small profit and others double or triple their negotiated yard sale price. Making money this way is still profit and will add up over time.
More serious sellers could use wholesalers and drop shippers to make money with eBay auctions, or Buy Now options. While this option might boost your income, but it could also require a chunk of start-up money. The major risk of buying and selling wholesale goods is buying and trying to sell products that don’t sell.
But, using the tools eBay provides for your use will jump-start your fledgling business and set you firmly on the road to making a good online living with your auctions or your eBay store.
A handy eBay tool that will keep you in line with what your buying public is looking for on a daily basis is eBay Pulse, which is constantly updated and lists popular searches your potential customers are making. You can select All Categories or specific categories to keep you informed on the public’s interests. Useful information categories are: Popular Searches, Largest Stores and Most Watched Items.
Once you sell everything in your garage, attic and selections from local, neighbourhood yard sales, you probably will want to take your business to the next level and start making a steady income. You can download a free eBay Advanced Business Seller guide with suggestions for increasing both your business and your profits, while connecting with your customers.
Using eBay’s tools, you will be able to learn how to get positive feedback from your customers and how to respond to complaints and questions. More information you will need to become a successful eBay seller can be found with other eBay tools: different listing formats, Analytics applications, Marketplace Research, analysis of your eBay sales performance with sales and traffic reports.
Creating a lucrative and sustaining online home business from yard sale beginnings is not impossible, but you will have to develop a standard business attitude, including monitoring your competition and tweaking your listings until they attract the traffic you need to boost your sales. Using eBay’s set of tools will give you the edge you need.
Can you really make money on eBay? Definitely!
If you would like to learn how to make money on eBay visit Stuart Turnbull’s blog for free tools and advice without the usual hype and lies.
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