Website Hosting Review- Webhost Solutions 102- Understand The Features
When you read an advertisement for a good webhosting company, it will do you no good if you do not understand what these features will do for you, or the significance of seemingly minor differences. This article will look at features commonly found on website hosting review or sales pages, so when you read the information you will have a better understanding of what they are offering. You will have the tools you need to make your decisions and finalize your webhost solutions.
WebHost Solutions 102- Common Features
Control Panel- This is the place, usually a bar across the top of the page where you control all the actions you want to perform on your webstie. The most commonly used functions need to be easily seen. Other less common tasks should be easy to get to without going through too many steps. Advertisements found in most website hosting review articles will use words like, easy to use, simple to navigate, easy to access and user-friendly. A user-friendly control panel will have some familiar terms like File Manager where you can easily pull up files stores on your computer, back-up. Other times specific to the needs of a web host are managing email or auto-responder accounts and ways to create and work with your databases,
Fantastico: is a program on the control panel that a good webhosting company will offer for free that allows an easy way to install many popular and quality software applications to your website. Just a few clicks will do it. WordPress is one of the popular applications that Fantastico makes it quick, click, and easy to install.
The best thing to do is a read website hosting review or two, talk to people you know and trust, or take advantage of free trial offers and check out the control panels yourself.
Shopping Cart- Many people who are creating their first websites will have no need of a shopping cart feature. If they see this feature in a website hosting review, they will skip over it. If you have ever bought anything online, you know what it does. It allows a customer to order, buy and pay for whatever is being offered right on the website. When deciding if a shopping cart will be one of your webhost solutions, you need to think ahead. Even though you will not need this at first, it is a feature to make note of. It is the kind of thing you might need later, and you do not want to have to pay extra for it, or discover your hosting company does not offer the option.
SSL Certificate- Using a good webhosting company that sells these certificates would be an important benefit to look for when reading a website hosting review. This is a security certificate gives that gives customers secure transactions capability. That little lock you see on bank sites, shows it is a secure site. Website owners that have an SSL certificate will keep more customers because, consumers have become more alert about looking for the padlock icons before sharing any information with a website owner.
As you become experienced at reading a website hosting review, these features and their descriptions will stand out. You will soon be able to tell which ones are a good webhosting company and which ones are good enough , but have less features to make life easier for you. Webhost solutions will differ for each person, based on experience, budget and what you will be using your site for now, and the possibilities of the future.
To the normal everyday person, website hosting companies will look the same. They all seem to offer plenty of storage space, bandwidth, user friendly control panels, as well as excellent customer support. There is a great list of the 10 best hosting companies on that compares the companies several ways and from different strengths. Click on Website Hosting Comarison to visit them!
John is an Industrial&IT Engineer and has been involved in the online world for over 15 years. John worked in the R&D departments of hosting companies for several years. He does research on innovative eCommerce opportunities. John’s hobbies are anthropology, history, Motown, web design and he enjoys outdoor activities.
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