What you need to know when changing your web host provider?
If you were planning to change your web host provider, you would need to be equipped with a certain amount of information for doing so. Switching web host provider isn’t quite easy at the same it is not that difficult that the transition cannot be smooth and successful. But it is important to follow a number of steps to ensure your website does not suffer under any circumstances and you are able to make the switch successfully. The following tips are designed to uncomplicated and make the complete process simple and easy.
The platform that your website is hosted on is of immense importance and you need to make sure the new web hosting provider does offer the same platform. If it is not the same platform then the web host should be able to help your website make a smooth transition from the current platform to a new platform. For instance, if your website is hosted on Linux platform and you intend to switch to Windows you would need to ensure the complete process is carried out in a proper manner.
The storage capacity counts and you would need to ensure the new web host provider is offering ample storage capacity. It is able to meet the current requirements at least or if you need more space then the new host should be able to provide that.
If your current website is using certain scripts, you would need to make sure that the hosting plan that the new web host provider is offering does support those scripts. It is important to make sure because the website may not function properly if the scripts are not in place.
You would also need to find out if the new provider is able to offer the same number of email accounts, mail forwards and auto responders that you are currently using.
Bandwidth is yet another significant factor that plays a decisive part when deciding to switch from one web host to a new one. It is important to figure out if the new provider is offering the same amount of bandwidth without taking charging extra for it.
You would also need to know about how to upload your website files to the new server. If this is something you are not aware of then you would need to find out if the new web host provider is willing to upload the files or not.
If your website uses a shopping cart, you would need to know if the new host provider supports the shopping cart or not. If it is possible to move the same shopping cart to the new plan or would you replace the existing cart with a new one.
John has years of experience in the field of web hosting and has written extensively on the various aspects of web hosting. Find out more about the various kinds of web hosting plans and services at http://www.hostingonweb.com/
Article from articlesbase.com