We are excited to tell you about an aggressive promotion we're running this month that more than doubles the bounty we pay on Elance referrals for the entire month of September.
Starting today and through September 30, we'll pay an extra $12 bonus for each first time job posts (where work gets funded or payments get made).
That's an extra $12 on top of the regular $8 bounty. This kicker is in addition to the 1% you earn on all job payments made through Elance during the first six months. To qualify for the $12 bonus, the job must be posted on Elance by September 30, 2009, and a milestone must get funded or payment made before October 15, 2009 to earn the kicker.
Elance is the leader in online work, experiencing a surge in popularity. Read why
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Contact Affiliate Partner Manager: Gerard Michel Vollet
Email: affiliates {AT} elance.com