Article Marketing is one of the more specific and easier to get traffic to your website. But surprisingly, many people are wrong! Advertisers follow blindly tips in forums and blogs, as should write articles to send traffic to their Web sites and promoting affiliate programs. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; Advice is usually to write as many items as you can with Web site links and submit to directories like EzineArticles article. It’s sad to see people sweating hard to write articles and submit them to article directories, but given only a net movement of water. Believe what you say is true, hard work and hard and write more articles. If you’re lucky, one of them may be popular articles for search engine traffic or a popular ezine published. But if they add hours spent writing articles that hit traffic, it is better to buy traffic with pay-per-click marketing. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; article marketing has great potential to generate targeted traffic. If you haven’t noticed a sudden surge of traffic with each article you write then did something wrong! & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; Why shake my head when I hear written 10 articles a day for a week and get a miserable 100 visitors just to prove that. If you know how to write and promote an article properly, just need to write 5 articles per week and this will be all the marketing that needs to be done for your Web site. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; people aren’t article marketing correctly because they believe in the myths of article marketing & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; just send articles to an article directory: EzineArticles because they manage the majority of visitors and to avoid duplicate content. penalty & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; Do not place the article on your website or blog if not to be penalized for duplicate content. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; submit to article directories is a unique promotion needs. If you are one of these rules with your articles need attention. It is wasting your time writing articles, because you do not much traffic on the notice above. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; Here are some tips on how you should write articles for people to read and click to your website. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; There are many tactics that need to know that most of the articles that you write. If you apply in your marketing, you will see a big difference of traffic you get. Finally understand the power of article marketing. & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; in the book, teach strategies, such as Article Marketing article marketing is really about how to do certain things and why. The techniques revealed in the book are guaranteed to help you find thousands of visitors, in the weeks following the application. Here are some of the techniques you learn eg: & amp; # xD; & amp; # xD; After reading the section of marketing strategies, one of the few who really knows how will generate traffic from articles. You will need to receive traffic effortlessly …