Linux Web Hosting ? Too Many Positives to Ignore

Linux Web Hosting ? Too Many Positives to Ignore

Linux Web hosting has a history of prominence – helping millions world-wide with safe and secure hosting options. Net craft, the UK-based prominent internet monitoring company, has already reported that the eight of the ten most reliable web hosting companies of the world run Linux as the OS in their web servers. Let’s dig deep into the subject of why Linux is rapidly becoming the center of attraction for most world-wide.

1. Stability

Linux, the ‘UNIX-like’ OS is based on OpenSource architecture. That makes the source code readily available to peers for regular reviewing. The resultant effectiveness in spotting bugs and incorporation of effective codes to affect enhanced stability of the entire programming structure is not hard to imagine. Any assurance for ‘long uptime’ and ‘crash-proof’ server performance is another option that is ready to be enjoyed with every Linux Web hosting facility.

2. Security

Not just because the stability factor that leads to better solutions concerning to security of the Linux Web hosting variety, the availability of Apache HTTP web server offers several secure options that are too important to be ignored.

3. Ubiquitous ness and cost-effectiveness

LAMP; the computer software-web server combination that defines the architecture of Linux Web hosting service offers perfect instance of ubiquitous ness (as the entire package comes in a bundle with maximum Linux distributions).

The ubiquitous ness and innate OpenSource architecture makes the entire Linux Web hosting package highly cost-effective too.

Few words on LAMP

LAMP is an acronym for Linux (OS), Apache (web server), MySQL (database), PHP/Per/Python (scripting language) – the four essential ingredients that form the solution stack of technologies for successful structuring of Linux web hosting service.

Well, so it all ends up to a situation where you are to choose from Stability, security, ubiquitous ness and cost-effectiveness.

Wonder ever one got so many positives to choose from!

Smita, is the author of Linux Web hosting She was inducted into the Linux Web hosting profession just two years back.

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Why is Linux web hosting so popular?

Why is Linux web hosting so popular?

Linux server web hosting is in constant competition with Windows Server and many feel that Linux is a better alternative in many ways than its competitor. A lot of web hosting providers offer the option of Linux web hosting because it does have a number of advantages attached to it. When planning to buy a web hosting plan it is always a good idea to find out whether Linux or Windows would be a better platform to host your website. While there are those who are complete Windows loyalists, there are also many who prefer to host the websites on a Linux server because they do find it more beneficial than other platforms.

Let’s look at the some of the advantages that Linux server offers over its competitor:

Open Source Software: One of the major advantages of using Linux is that it offers open source software platform. This translates to the fact that anyone can download the platform and use it on any server since it does not require licensing fee. Open source also offers a lot of flexibility since the developers can add or modify the coding according to their requirements. This of course gives it an edge over the other platforms and offers that much more flexibility.

Linux Conversion: Another feature that makes it stand out from its competitor is that Linux based website can easily be converted to a Windows website. If for example after getting a website made on Linux server, you decide to change it Windows platform, the option is always there. The files can without any hassle be easily uploaded onto the Windows platform and this advantage of accommodating different requirements makes it convenient to use Linux server.

Security and Stability: It is a known fact that Linux web hosting is supposed to be considered to be more secure and stable over other platforms. Since it offers open source software, therefore there are lesser attacks on the software. Therefore, Linux has become a more popular choice for programmers and web professionals.

Database Usage: Linux hosting gives you the opportunity to work with different kinds of database including MySQL, Perl and PHP. Since it is extremely compatible it can even accommodate other platforms and work with any platform efficiently and without any hassle.

Economical: Since it is open source software, therefore Linux ends up being more economical and the expense incurred is comparatively smaller than paying the complete price for other software.

These are just some of the reasons on why Linux is more preferred by a lot of web host providers than other platforms. It undoubtedly offers a wide scope of experimentation and is more reliable and secure too.


John has years of experience in the field of web hosting and has written extensively on the various aspects of web hosting. Find out more about the various kinds of web hosting plans and services at

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Deciding Between Windows Web Hosting And Linux Web Hosting

Deciding Between Windows Web Hosting And Linux Web Hosting

Many people recognize Linux Web Hosting as the best type of web hosting solution around, because of the added advantages of this web hosting solutions, which provide reliability, security, functionality, and affordability all in the one package.

Linux Servers Advantages
Linux servers have been known to run for long periods of time without technical difficulties or down time being experienced, which is a considerable achievement since many Microsoft servers need to refresh and reboot their operating systems at regular intervals.

Linux installations have no known vulnerabilities in their security operating system; however, it is still considered a priority of Linux to keep their systems running with the best degree of security around.

Linux also offers its customers the added advantage of cheaper Linux based web hosting solutions. This is largely due to open source distributions; hosts generally pass these savings onto their customers, making Linux web hosting solutions extremely affordable.

Disadvantages of Linux Servers
With every advantage of a hosting solution, there has to be disadvantages as well, Linux hosting solutions are no exception to this rule. One of the main disadvantages of Linux based applications is that they are unable to accommodate windows applications and the coding conversions. This can spell disaster for websites that have been coded especially for windows based applications.

When choosing a web hosting provider for Linux, make sure he offers all the basics services on security, including firewall, load balance for the servers, Denial of Attack (DOS) protection.

Also, there are some basics services any web hosting service should include, such as MYSQL services, statistics (preferably two scripts), antivirus and antispam services (added or included) and the possibility to add your own scripts via FTP. If your web hosting service provider doesn’t include SSH access (this is very common), make sure they can offer you support to install those scripts. Of course, if your script presents a security flaw, your web hosting provider may ask you to change it or deny installing it altogether.

Windows web hosting servers
Windows web hosting solutions provide many benefits such as NET support, ASP, visual basic C++ and pearl scripts. Windows are also known for their dynamic page displays. All windows hosting plans, as well as MSSql for more experienced webmasters support the Microsoft Access 2000 database and are generally easy and strait forward to apply codes to.

Although Windows hosting packages offer a large number of benefits and extras, the fact that they have the odd security problem, are prone to down time, and scheduled rebooting on a regular basis remains a viable disadvantage to using windows servers as a web hosting solution.

While the choice of a web-hosting server is an individual decision, those looking for a hosting solution should consider the benefits and disadvantages of both windows and Linux severs before making a choice. is the premier web hosting company in Mexico, offering a range or services for all business needs.

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Benefits of Linux Web Hosting Over Windows Web Hosting in Case of Average Site

Benefits of Linux Web Hosting Over Windows Web Hosting in Case of Average Site

Have you ever though that why nowadays, more and more people are turning towards Linux web hosting rather than the very conventional use of Windows web hosting? The most suitable answer to this deft change is stability. However, you may ask now, that on what terms is Linux more stable than windows? Contrasting windows, Linux is an open source operating system. The code is open and accessible to people, who can easily go through them and can recommend improvements. In addition to this, they are also allowed to point out bugs. Over the years, Linux has been developed in two smart categories such as Red Hat and Debian. It is a collective effort of thousands and thousands of people, who have worked really hard and have contributed their time to making Linux web hosting run faster and to provide simpler, more competent and bug free code.

The open programming environment, have made it easier to bring improvements regular basis. Also, the problems can be traced relatively quickly and solved with the least of complexity. A person, who is dependent on his website for any kind of business or other purpose, would not appreciate his site going offline as it is directly proportional to loss. This is the reason why every business wishes to procure a stable operating system so that they can totally avoid the miserable consequences of dreadful server crashes.

Second issue, where Linux gets an upper hand over windows is that while the new set up of an online site, whether or not, the operating system engaged will be able to use the full range of required software and scripts? Presently, most of the web hosting companies propose Linux web because whatever can be done with Windows hosting is completely possible with Linux Hosting as well. Today, almost all popular script packages on the web today are accessible in both Windows and Linux web hosting versions, where it has been widely accepted that  Linux web hosting version is more stable and possess all of the features of windows.

Thirdly, expense, which is of course is one of the most important concerns, is also not an issue with Linux. Linux web hosting is usually offered at the equal charges as Windows web hosting. Hence now, with Linux, one can avail the same set of services at same price but additional features like:
•    stability
•    Applicable with all popular script packages

Another beneficial aspect, which is quite important to be mentioned here is that on Linux using PHP, it is much easier to program databases and this happens because even PHP was developed by the community and hence, is an open source.

Lastly, if you require Basic HTML pages, and have nothing to do with further additions of dynamic elements then Linux is the best pick for you. PHP, Perl and MySQL give you a whole range of possibilities. In order to gain more information about Linux web hosting, simply visit

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