Make Easy Money with eBay Mini-sites – Money Making Ideas

Make Easy Money with eBay Mini-sites – Money Making Ideas

What would you say to an easy money making idea? I have one for you. Set up a mini-site with eBay products.

Each site will provide you with a small stream of income.  Here’s how you can get started in five simple steps:

1. Find a Popular Product

People love to buy straight off from the Internet. It’s easy, and they have the option to choose the best price and quality, without having to drive around to several different shops.

You can utilize this to your advantage.

Before people make the closing decision, they want to be sure that they’ve found the best product and the best price.  So they search further for more in-depth information.

If you are able to provide this information in a brief format, together with giving them direct access to purchasing at the best price, why would they go anywhere else?


2. Buy a Domain

After you’ve found a product, it‚Äôs best to purchase a domain name for your site.  You could use free services such as Blogger, but you will not acquire the advantage of having a URL that will rank high in the search engines.  And, after all, you can purchase domains for very low prices (sometimes as low as .99) so it’s well worth it.

3. Set Up Your Site or Blog

You choose which you want to use.  For my eBay mini-sites, I always set up a WordPress blog.  It’s easy to do, and I can easily find very nice, simple themes for them.

Choose a clean design.  It’s your content and the eBay products should stand out, not the graphics featuring your theme.

4. Write a Few Articles or Blog Posts

You need some content, so do a little research about your product, then write about it in your own words.

Make sure you also have an “About” page; a “Privacy” page and a “Contact” page.

5. Send Traffic to Your Site

Even the greatest site in the world would be worthless if it didn’t get any traffic.

There are various ways you can send traffic to your eBay site.  Article marketing is, without doubt, amongst the best. You can also tweet about it, or bookmark it on social pages like Stumble Upon, Digg etc.  Or you can answer questions on Yahoo Answers, linking some of them to your site.

Get your free 29 page report which step-by-step shows you how to earn an extra per day online from and gain access to a plentitute of Money Making Ideas


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Ideas to Make Money blogging

Ideas to Make Money blogging

It’s very popular to start a blog and try to make money from it. In this article I want to give you some ideas to make money blogging. First, you can read about how to set up your blog and then I tell you some ideas about how you can make money from it.

Start a blog

If you going to blog you need a blog, right? I suggest you to start a blog at wordpress. You have to pay for a domain name and a web hotel. It’s a little investment but you get a nice looking blog and you can change every thing on your blog as you like. I recommend Go Daddy for signing up your domain name and Hostgator for your webhotel. It’s big companies with good services and nice prices.

The Topic of your blog

The fist thing you need to think of is the topic of you blog. What are you going to write about? I suggest something that you like and have as a hobby. You will write with more passion if your write about something you love doing. If you just choose the topic that will bring more money, the chance is big your getting bored and stop blogging after a while. Some suggestions for topics are:

Gardening Design Dog training Running How to loose weight

When you’re starting a blog with a money making idea, you have to fill peoples needs. You can’t write about what you made for breakfast or how your day went. You need to have your readers needs in mind when your write.

Get traffic to your blog Submit your blog to directories

Now you have a blog and a topic. When you have written some posts, you can start submit your blog to directories. The  directories will then link to your blog. Your blog will be noticed by google and get some traffic. Here is a list of some good directories that you can start with:

Ezine Articles Articlesbase Buzzle Searchwarp Go Articles Search engine optimization (SEO)

For more traffic to your blog you want to be loved by google. You then have to use SEO on your blog. I can’t tell you everything about SEO in this article.  It’s to much to cover. Search google and you will find alot of good articles to learn from.


Start linking to other good blogs and websites that you visit. Your readers like when you provide good information. Other site owners will notice you and maybe they’ll link back. You also want to link inside your blog. Link to other posts that are relevant to what you’re writing at the moment.

Make comments on other blogs

Start reading blogs that write about similar things as you do. When you have something good to say, write a comment. You can ad a link to your blog with the comment. Now, all the other readers will notice your blog and maybe they’ll visit it.

Social networks

Are you using social networks like facebook or twitter? By adding links to your blogposts you can get more visitors.

Now – The ideas for making money on your blog! 1. Ideas to make money blogging – Adsense

One idea to make money on your blog is to put adsense ads on it. You will make money when someone clicks on them. It’s easy to start.

2. Ideas to make money blogging – Write an e-book

A good idea for making money is to write an e-book. Write about something that your readers will be interested to read. If your blog is about weight loose, maybe you can write an e-book about low carb diets. Remember to choice a related topic for you e-book. If you write an e-book about gardening and the blog is about weight loss your readers will just get confused.That’s not a good money making idea. When you’ve finished the e-book, you can sell it at your blog.

3. Ideas to make money blogging – Be an affiliate

Another great idea for making money is to be an affiliate. An affiliate promotes other peoples products. If your blog is about weight loss you can promote a weight loss product. When someone buys it though your link, you get paid.

4. Ideas to make money blogging– Combine the first 3 ideas

Why just stick to one idea for making money? If you combine the 3 ideas above you will make even more!

Do you want more Money Making Ideas? Please visit Quick-Money-Making-Ideas for more information

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