10 Proven Tips for Making Money Online (part 2)

10 Proven Tips for Making Money Online (part 2)

In part one of this two-part series, we discussed tips 1 thru 5 of the “10 Proven Tips For Making Money Online.” Now, in part two, we’ll examine tips 6 thru 10.

While there are a variety of factors that contribute to online success, no one can dispute the effectiveness of the following proven tips:

6. You must educate yourself. Do you know why most people go online? Believe it or not, most people go online not to buy anything, but rather to search for information to solve a problem they have. So why is knowing this information so important? Because if you understand and realize that the internet is driven by information seekers first and foremost, you can better harness its unlimited power and money-making potential. How?

You can become an information provider yourself, and provide people with the valuable, useful information they’re seeking, in the form of articles like this one, e-books, reports, videos, teleconferences, etc. Do you see how having a little knowledge can work to your advantage?

Educate yourself on how the internet works. If you’re truly serious about making money online, in addition to reading articles like this one, read as many quality, online publications as you possibly can. A few of my favorites include SitePro News, ClickZ Newsletter and MarketingProfs Newsletter. Learn as much as you can about sales and marketing. It can make all the difference in the world to your bottom line.


7. Take the path of least resistance. Let me ask you a question. If you’ve been a janitor all your life, what makes you think that you can suddenly wake up one day and make money online marketing pet supplies? Why not take the path of least resistence, and market products and services you have intimate knowledge of? The quickest and easiest way to make money online is to take the knowledge and life experience you already have and build a business around it.

You’d have a much greater chance at success if you took your janitorial experience and wrote an e-book or created a video about how to start and operate a janitorial service. We all have something that we’re good at and knowledgeable about. The key is being able to take that knowledge and convert it into a successful money-making enterprise.

8. Promote, promote, promote. You can have the greatest product or service in the world, but if no one knows about it, well, then it’s not going to do you much good. That’s why you must constantly promote the daylights out of your product or service. Whether it’s pay-per-click advertising, article marketing, press releases, ezine advertising, whatever. Consistent promotion is the key to making money online. Remember, “the squeaky wheel gets the oil!”

9. You must be consistent. In order for your car to perform at peak efficiency, there are certain routine steps you must do consistently. This includes changing your oil and filters, checking your belts and fluid levels, checking your tire pressure, keeping your engine tuned, and of course putting gas in the tank. Well, if you want to make money online you must also perform certain routine steps consistently. That means you have to follow the ten tips in this article religiously. You can’t just follow some of the tips some of the time. That’s not going to cut it. In order for the tips to be effective, you must follow all of the tips all of the time. You must be consistent!

10. Don’t give up too soon. Author Norman Vincent Peale famously said: “it’s always too soon to quit.” But yet, that’s what many people do. They quit way too soon. Don’t be one of those people who look back on life with regret because they quit too soon. Give success everything you’ve got. Give it your best shot. You’re worth it. Despite any obstacles you might encounter, hang in there when the going gets tough. Remember, “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Don’t ever give up!

About the author:

David Jackson is a writer and the owner of Red-Hot-Downloads.com, featuring the internet’s hottest

money-making e-books and software products.

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Question by john1970: Can someone give me tips to make money online ?

Best answer:

Answer by imisidro
You may want to read the article “6 Hottest Businesses on the Web http://www.powerhomebiz.com/052006/web.htm which lists six areas of the new Web that present new opportunities to small online businesses:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the main business models you can adopt:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like BigKidsVideo.com or Candle4Less.com all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as About.com or EuropeforVisitors.com create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – From the article “How to Generate Advertising Revenues for Your Web Site” http://www.powerhomebiz.com/vol28/adrevenues.htm , there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media http://www.burstmedia.com
Fastclick (ValueClick). http://www.fastclick.com
Advertising.com. http://www.advertising.com
Tribal Fusion http://www.tribalfusion.com

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense https://www.google.com/adsense/
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only) http://publisher.yahoo.com/
Intellixt http://vibrantmedia.com/site/web_01a5.htm
Quigo Adsonar http://www.quigo.com/adsonarexchange.htm
IndustryBrains http://www.industrybrains.com
Commission Junction Evolution http://www.cj.com

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. Hoovers.com or WebmasterWorld.com Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

e. Paid surveys. The article “Earning Money from Surveys” provide a short list of legitimate market research firms and contains explanations of what to look for when joining surveys (and weeding out the fraudulent ones)

Pinecone Research http://www.pineconeresearch.com
GreenField Online http://www.greenfieldonline.com
Harris Poll Online http://www.harrispollonline.com
BuzzBack http://www.buzzback.com
SurveySite http://www.surveysite.com
SurveySavvy http://www.surveysavvy.com
Survey Spot http://www.surveyspot.com/

What do you think? Answer below!

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Make Easy Money With Ebay – Part Two

Make Easy Money With Ebay – Part Two

Everyone is looking for ways to make easy money and nothing is easier than selling on Ebay! The great thing about Ebay is that you can start selling within minutes and can do it all without leaving your home – well apart from posting your goods out that is!

This is the second part of our article on how to make easy money on Ebay – How to enter a title for your Listing. In our next article, we will cover other aspects of putting your listing on Ebay.

How to Enter the title for your Ebay listing.

To make easy money on Ebay the key is to get your auction noticed by the title which is the top line. A great title will give your clients sufficient information to know if the listing warrants review. The key objective is to get as many possible buyers to review your listing. You need to get visitors to look at your listing or you will never make easy money on Ebay.

You need to include all of the possible keywords that are relevant to the item you are trying to sell. You also need to remember that experienced buyers are looking to pick up bargains from new sellers. Having too little information in the title will attract a far smaller number of possible bidders/buyers. A good example is ‘Dress’ instead of ‘Size 8 Ladies Baby Pink Dress’ . As such, these items will receive far fewer bids and therefore will sell for significantly less than they otherwise might. Your objective is to maximise every possible opportunity to increase your income and therefore to make easy money on Ebay


You also need to keep the words you use as relevant as possible. There is very little space so try to use those words to help your listing. I would suggest that you stay away from gimmicks in the title like ‘L@@K’, nobody is ever going to be looking for ‘L@@K’ so don’t waste those characters.

You should also try to think about different spellings and phrases where possible. If you are selling an IPod you may want to include MP3 Player in the title. Remember that Ebay’s search will mechanically take into account variation of phrasing. It is always useful to have a look at what your competitors are doing. To make easy money on Ebay don’t forget to look at what the competition are doing and make sure that you take advantage of any ideas that you can see.

Make sure that you spell correctly. I know this sounds basic but if you want to make easy money on Ebay then you will need to get this right. Many people find bargains on Ebay by looking for misspelt auction titles. If you are a bad speller, and lots of us are, make sure you use a dictionary either paper or on-line.

Our next article will be:

– Entering the Ebay Description.

See you next time!

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Part I: Linking Practices That Will Hurt your Search Engine Rankings

Part I: Linking Practices That Will Hurt your Search Engine Rankings

Quality linking practices are encouraged by the major search engines as an acceptable way of improving site popularity, website traffic and help contribute to higher search engine rankings. As a webmaster you must be wary of engaging in poor linking practices that have the potential to strip your website of its ranking status on the major search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN.

In this two part Article Series we will firstly discuss those linking practices that will find your website penalized by the major search engines, with the most current controversy over ‘paid links’. Google has recently penalized several sites with ranking drops for violating its quality webmaster guidelines by selling paid links. This penalty can also be applied to those sites displaying ‘paid links’ that are considered spam or of low quality by the search engines and provide users with a poor browsing experience.

Not all paid linking will be penalized, the current focus tends to be on those links that are primarily being used to manipulate search engine rankings. Purchasing paid links may also affect your rankings if the originating site selling the links is considered to be a ‘bad neighborhood’ site by the major search engines, your site’s rankings can be affected by association. As a general rule, avoid companies selling links who are promoting paid links that are ‘hard to detect by a search engine’ and with the recent increase in the reporting of paid links to Google, their ranking algorithms are being adjusted to detect such paid links.

The advice from Google on paid links is that it’s okay to promote paid links that are aimed at increasing website traffic but are not being used to manipulate search engine rankings. If you are using paid links:-

• Add a ‘no follow attribute’ to the linking info (see Google for more info on how to do this).

• You can also redirect the links to an intermediate page that is blocked from the search engines with robots.txt file.

• Clearly define paid advertising links on your site to the search engines ie. with a ‘sponsored link’ title heading.

Another linking practice that is discouraged by the major search engines is using Link Farms to artificially increase a site’s link popularity. Link farms are usually classified as a website or web page that displays a series of links to other unrelated sites and displays no content of real value or interest to site visitors. These types of links pages are usually created by automated software programs and services. To avoid being caught linking to a ‘link farm’ vigorously check all link exchange requests and the reciprocal URL location of your link on their site. Link farms will be obvious in nature as no actual web content will be present for site visitors except links and often the link exchange will be represented as a ‘3 way link’ exchange.

‘3 Way Linking’ has been an emerging trend over the past 12 months and is designed to quickly boost the search engine rankings and online presence of the requesting link partners site by anonymously building link pages that have no direct link to them so that they can’t be penalized by the search engines for deceptive SEO practices. 3 Way Links are of little or no benefit to your site or your linking campaign as typically the third party site that your link is located on has no content relevance to your own site or worse still it is just a ‘link farm’. Once again your site’s search engine rankings can be penalized by association.

Check link exchange requests carefully as often 3 way linking practices are hidden in the link request, in some cases you may agree to a link exchange with a site whose content is similar to yours only to find that when the link exchange is completed that your link has been placed on a third party site. Often the site requesting the link exchange does not even have a links page set up on their site. 3 Way Links can also be represented as ‘triangular link exchanges’.

The final linking practice we will look at is ‘Cross Linking’. Excessively cross-linking sites of unrelated content can and will violate the quality webmaster guidelines of Google, Yahoo and MSN. This linking practice is generally used to artificially increase the number of links to a site and link popularity with the main aim of manipulating the search engine rankings. Even if you are the owner of multiple sites it is unwise to cross link them if the content of the sites is unrelated.

I came across a prime example of cross-linking recently when analyzing a potential new client’s site for SEO & website marketing recommendations. What I discovered was that their existing SEO provider had excessively cross-linked their site to all their other clients sites under the disguise of ‘site map’ pages which were not only numerous in quantity but also keyword stuffed. This practice has somehow gotten past the ranking algorithms of Google and Yahoo most likely because the pages were being represented as ‘site map’ pages however the site had been penalized by MSN with no rankings showing whatsoever.

The only way of bringing up the site on MSN was to type in the site’s direct URL address. The site owner was completely unaware of this breach which was explained away by this SEO company as the search engine results for MSN being inconclusive on the day they were searched for reporting purposes. To a novice, this explanation probably seems viable – so website owners be wary and don’t be afraid to ask questions as to why your site is not receiving rankings in at least the top 10 pages of the search engine results for Google, Yahoo & MSN especially if you are paying for professional SEO services. Avoid automated software being added to your site primarily for SEO purposes, organic search engine results are certainly achievable without the application of automated software which usually displays web pages of lower quality than your main web pages and certainly be wary of site maps being developed for your site in the format I have described above. These are generally placed in the footer of your home page with the words site map preceding them, followed by an A – Z listing of site map web pages. This doesn’t apply to software added to your site to record site statistics for performance analysis.

Positive linking practices will be discussed in Part 2 of this Article Series.

© Rosemary Donald, Rank1 Website Marketing 5th November, 2007


Rosemary Donald is an SEO Consultant with Rank1 Website Marketing (www.rank1websitemarketing.com) and author of the SEO ebook ‘Insider Secrets of Rank1 Websites’ available for .95 AU. Rosemary is a regular contributor to online article sites on the topics of SEO, website marketing, ecommerce, search engine marketing and small business development.

Rosemary is also a successful online trader and owner of www.sabujewellery.com a top ranking on site on Google, Yahoo and MSN with experience in online marketing, export sales, importing, growing customer bases, ecommerce customer service, online sales generation and Rank 1 search engine marketing.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Newbie Internet Business Series Part 3: All You Need to Know About Internet Home Based Business

Newbie Internet Business Series Part 3: All You Need to Know About Internet Home Based Business

Congratulation in joining or seriously considering starting home based internet business! However, that it is a world which will enrich your life, while at the same time it drastically changes your life style in many ways:

1. A different world. Internet business is an entirely different game like nothing else you know before! You are dealing with a virtual, immense and global world.

2. No face-to-face interaction with customers. You develop a network of customers or contacts who you never meet face to face, only by names and e-mail addresses.

3. No office perks. Internet is a home business. There are no office facilities and no staffs around you, which mean it is a lonely world.

4. No boss. You have no one who leads you, or a boss who gives you guidance and direction. You have to be your own boss, meaning that you make or break on your own.

5. No immediate result. Internet business requires a lot of time and effort before it eventually produces result.

6. Irregular working hours. Internet business requires a lot of hard work. Unlike the offices which has official working hours, you are working in extended hours, often with very little break.

7. Intensive education. You have to learn a lot of new knowledge how to be the best home based internet business (including internet terminology, basic softwares, web designs, many websites and different techniques of marketing in a short time).

8. New roles and professions. You are the Jack of all trades. You have to do many things yourself, assuming the roles as marketer, designer and writer.

9. Home stay. Your business is an internet home based business. It means that you will be at home most of the time. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get closer to the family, with less socializing outside.

10. Resistance from your family members. Most people are unwilling to pay the immediate price of change; therefore they do not change, and resist the change. When you become the best home based internet business will change your home life. Your family might resist change, particularly those who have to change the most.

We realize that as Alvin Toffler said, “Change is not merely necessary to life — it is life.” But, how do you carry on with the change which happens as you embark in internet business? Here is how:

1. Change your mindset.

This is the important first step. Ross Cooper said: “The only way to change our lives is by changing our minds.” To reprogram your ‘blueprint’, you must understand the following key elements of change:

First element is awareness. You can’t change anything unless you know it exists. Not all changes are good. Most people see change as an uncomfortable and painful thing that must be done.

The second is understanding. By understanding where your “way of thinking” originates, you can see the change as a helpful thing that should be done.

The third is disassociation. Once you realize that change should be done, you can separate yourself from the pain — based on who you are today, and where you want to be tomorrow.

The last element is reconditioning. You ‘rewrite’ your subconscious on a permanent level — retaining your mind to respond supportively to the change. According to Orson Scott Card, “In order to learn one must change one’s mind.”

2. Change yourself.

Most people want to change their circumstances to improve their lives instead of changing themselves to improve their circumstances. You actually have to change yourself first to improve the circumstances. If you change, your family would change too.

Changing yourself implies that you have to educate yourself intensively (learn a lot of new knowledge), do new things (assume new professions), and manage your time differently (work with irregular working hours), and that you need to persevere because internet home based business does not give you immediate result.

3. Change your role: be the change leader.

You must become a change leader, proactively leading the change. Remember that leader has to go first.

You have to embrace the change. That is what it means to lead. Don’t expect others to take the lead; embrace the change first. So the trick is not to oppose it, but to go with it. Deal with the change head on, instead of avoiding it or pretending it does not exist. As Alan Watts said, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

You must be optimistic. Always demonstrate positive mental attitude; it will inspire you and your family to go through difficult times.

You must be a role model. The real challenge for the leader is getting over the opposition of those who don’t want to change. By playing the role of a change leader, you show your family the behavior that they should emulate, i.e. embrace the change. People do what people see.

You must recognize and reward. Celebrate with your family for embracing the change; this will encourage them to reinforce their behavior.

4. Change what you do.

In internet home based business you have to do lots of marketing campaigns and advertisements before you get result. You have to do several things over and over and over and over, before you succeed.

On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. This means that you must be willing to change your way when you realize that it does not produce the result you want.

Internet home based business is an ever-changing world. To make progress, you must change. To be successful, you must change often. Remember what Anthony Robbins said: “We can change our lives. We can do, have and be whatever we wish!”

By recognizing the drastic change it impacts in your life style and coping appropriately and enthusiastically with the change, internet home based business can become a very rewarding experience and income for you which enriches your personal life. As Alfred North Whitehead said, “The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.”

Starting Internet Home Based Business

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Tessie is both a Psychologist and HRD Consultant. Born in Indonesia she completed her BA, MA in Psychology from the United States of America and MBA in Training and Development from England. She has lived in the US, Australia, UK and Singapore for over twenty years. Tessie has consulted various organizations in Asia region and made significant contributions for their improvements. With her online business, she is passionate in helping people find financial freedom.

Article from articlesbase.com

Question by Legend: What are the risk factors of internet business?
What are the risk factors of internet retail business? Please give a list, thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Kane
Well there are alot.

1. Database hacking
2. Adware
3. Spyware
4. Viruses
5. Firewall breaches
6. Phishing of your buyers accounts
7. Ect.

There are countless risks but with the right hardware and the right software protecting your main business PC and your server/web page, everything will run A-Ok, I recommend going to GeekSquad at BestBuy and getting more advice from them, I’d have to explain more in person. But hope this helps!

Give your answer to this question below!

Newbie Internet Business Series Part 2: the Do?s and the Don?ts of Building a Home Internet Business

Newbie Internet Business Series Part 2: the Do?s and the Don?ts of Building a Home Internet Business

As Part 1 describes the pros and cons of building a home based internet business, Part 2 explores what you need to pay attention to and what to avoid to be successful in building a home internet business.

The DO’s

• Add value to other people in whatever you do.

When you e-mail your subscribers don’t just sell them anything but give them the information they need such as reports, tips, clips from YouTube, etc.

• Research for your product.

You need to select the product that is needed by people, has a tremendous impact on people’s lives, give you high commission and create a residual income (you can make a one-time sale and get paid repeatedly). Only great products can last in this competitive market.

• Have the willingness to learn.

You need to learn from the masters who have succeeded so that you shorten your learning curve. Having a journal in what you do and how the responses are allows you to learn from your own experience.

• Promote your product effectively.

You need to find both paid advertisements such as Pay Per Click as well as free advertisements such as joining forums, traffic exchanges, answering Yahoo Answers and joining 43 Things.

• Treat your internet business as a business.

Just like an offline business, you need to be professional with when building a home internet business, such as in answering enquiry. You need to keep your integrity intact. You need to keep your promises. Even though you can’t see your customers’ face, they are people just like you on the other side of the line.

• Focus on one business at the time.

Although it is tempting to explore every opportunity to earn money in the internet, it is highly recommended as a newbie that you focus on one business while you are building a home internet business and make sure it creates steady income before you venture to other businesses.

• Have a clear goal.

Since it is a business and not a hobby, you need to have a clear goal of how much is your targeted income. Then, while building a home internet business, you need to set aside a budget for the expenses of your product. If you don’t budget your advertisement and expenses, it will add an unnecessary stress when you see overcharges in your credit cards.

The DON’Ts

• Don’t believe every deal in the internet.

It is sad but true that there are scams in the internet. Research your product by seeing it in Google how much people advertise for it and asking around in forums to find out more about a product before you buy it.

• Don’t fall into a false belief that internet business is easy money.

Although there are more and more millionaires in the internet, they admit that it is a hard work to succeed in building a home internet business. It requires determination, persistence and patience. Most of the time, you cannot see the immediate results. However, if you keep building your home internet business consistently, you will be rewarded. Find out more.

• Don’t think you know everything.

Internet business is a growing business in which you need to keep up-to-date with the market trends and the needs of your niche market. You must put aside some money for your personal development that will help you bring your internet business to the next level. You can attend seminar, conference or buy products to keep learning.

• Don’t be complacent with what you have.

Once you see the money coming into your account and you start to smile, you need to remember that you still have to maintain your customers and improve your business.

• Don’t think that you can see the money this month.

We recommend that you keep your day job while you start building a home internet business. It takes a while before you can see the pay cheque substantial to pay for your bills. Please do not just quit your job and jump into building a home internet business unless you have enough saving to sustain you for the next few months.

• Don’t be an army.

Ultimately, you need to have your own product if you want to be a millionaire. Being an affiliate (someone who sells other people’s products) is a good starting point as a newbie to give you experience in building a home internet business. But you have to strive to become the chief of the armies.

• Don’t be tempted to try everything.

There are many interesting products and methods of making money in the internet. You must, however, remember the power of focus. If you put a magnifying glass on top of a piece of paper and you put that under the sun, the paper will burn because the sun focuses its heat. You will succeed in whatever your mind focuses on. Find what you are interested in and it is easier to start from there.

When you learn the DOs and DON’Ts in building a home internet business, it gives you insight of what you need to do and to avoid. Start here.

Start Building A Home Internet Business

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Tessie is both a Psychologist and HRD Consultant. Born in Indonesia she completed her BA, MA in Psychology from the United States of America and MBA in Training and Development from England. She has lived in the US, Australia, UK and Singapore for over twenty years. Tessie has consulted various organizations in Asia region and made significant contributions for their improvements. With her online business, she is passionate in helping people find financial freedom.

Article from articlesbase.com

Question by Bret: How do I get started in purchasing an Internet business?
Legit and serious offers only. I am interested in purchasing a non-retail Internet business that is well established for at least 3 years. Purchase price no more than $ 25K. The annual profit is no less than $ 20K.

Please, list direct links to the offers. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by RunAmuk4Fun
Do a search for domains for sale. There are a few classified sites that allow you to browse legitimate sites for sale.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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